How to Get Rid of Pests: Ants, Fleas, Mice, Flies, etc.?

Remove bedbugs from your mattress: After washing all your laundry, do not put them directly back on your mattress as it may be infested with bedbugs. To ensure you properly remove all bedbugs, actively scrub your mattress using a stiff brush. If you think that wasn’t enough, vacuum every surface of your mattress to remove every last critter. Finally, cover your mattress with your fresh linen to sleep peacefully. Be careful, if the contamination is too significant, you must get rid of your mattress. Before throwing it away, wrap it in plastic to avoid infesting the entire house with bedbugs.
There are several ways to get rid of cockroaches. Natural solutions for those who have the courage and when the infestation is not yet too serious:

• In the event of a cockroach infestation, capture the cockroaches using the vacuum cleaner, but be careful not to leave the bag inside. You must burn it or take it to a recycling center after wrapping it in a plastic bag. This is to prevent cockroaches from coming out of the suction pipe if they have not been asphyxiated.

• Make a cockroach trap with a tin can coated inside with petroleum jelly and in which you place a sweet food. Once caught, drown the cockroaches in soapy water or put the box in the freezer for at least a week.

• Mix plaster with flour and sugar which you will place on the place where the cockroaches pass along with a plate of water. This will cause intestinal obstruction for the cockroaches dripping the mixture.

• Lavender or lemon eucalyptus essential oil can also be effective if cockroaches are not numerous.

• Cold in a house is a possible natural solution since cockroaches hate the cold.

4 – MICE
Mice are attracted to food (they are often found in the kitchen) and carry diseases and bacteria.

The cures :

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