Homemade Veggie-Filled Dough

For the Filling:

1 red pepper, chopped into cubes
Half a yellow pepper, chopped into cubes
1 tomato, chopped into cubes
1 green tomato, chopped into cubes
6 green peppers, chopped into cubes
4 green onions, chopped into small pieces


1. Prepare the Dough:

Add warm milk and water to a mixing bowl.

Add vegetable oil, granulated sugar, and dry yeast.

Gradually add 4 cups of flour and salt.

Mix the ingredients well.

Knead the dough until soft and smooth.

Cover and let the dough sit for 45 minutes.

2. Prepare the Vegetables:

Chop all the vegetables into cubes or small pieces and place them in a large bowl.

3. Assemble the Dough:

After 45 minutes, place the dough on a floured surface.

Roll the dough with a rolling pin.

Place the prepared vegetables on the rolled-out dough.

Fold the dough over the filling and seal the edges.

4. Cook:

Heat a skillet over medium heat and add a little oil.

Place the filled dough in the skillet and cook until golden brown on both sides.

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