Homemade Mosquito Trap


Pour the sugar and yeast mixture into the bottle.
Seal the cut edges with tape to secure the funnel in place.
Cover the outside of the bottle with cardboard or fabric to create a dark environment inside.
Place the Trap:
Position the trap in areas where mosquitoes are commonly found, such as corners of rooms or near windows.
2. Bay Leaf and Clove Spray

1 cup water
15 bay leaves
20 cloves
Spray container

Simmer Ingredients:
In a pot, combine 1 cup of water, 15 bay leaves, and 20 cloves.
Simmer the mixture for about 10 minutes to release the scents.
Cool and Transfer:
Let the mixture cool to room temperature.
Strain the liquid and transfer it to a spray container.
Apply the Spray:
Use the bay leaf and clove spray in areas where cockroaches, flies, and mosquitoes are a problem.
Spray around windows, doorways, and any entry points for insects.
3. Insect-Repellent Spray

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