Homemade Cheesy Garlic Breadsticks

Chill the Dough: Keep your pizza dough chilled before baking to achieve a crispier texture.

Distribute Toppings Evenly: Evenly spread the garlic butter and cheese to ensure consistent flavor in each bite.

Bake on a Stone: Use a preheated pizza stone for an extra crispy crust.

Fresh Ingredients: Use fresh garlic and high-quality cheese for the best flavor.

Monitor Baking Time: Keep an eye on the breadsticks during the last few minutes of baking to prevent over-browning.

Use a Pizza Cutter: A pizza cutter ensures clean cuts and uniform breadsticks.

Customize Flavors: Experiment with different herbs and spices to make the recipe your own.

Serve Hot: These breadsticks are best enjoyed fresh out of the oven when the cheese is still gooey and melty.

Garnish with Fresh Herbs:

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