So what does this have to do with my Hawaiian wedding cake recipe?

Here’s the deal- Once you make this it’s going to be sitting in your fridge and every so often you are going to grab a fork and take a little bite straight out of the pan. All will be fine and well until you go to thrust that fork into some creamy cake and there’s none left.

You ate it.

You ate it all. Basically the moral of the story is to not be like me. Can you handle that?

Now, onto the cake! I honestly don’t know the real reason why this is called Hawaiian Wedding Cake. I’m just going to go out on a limb and say that it’s because it’s eaten at Hawaiian weddings but don’t quote me on that. What I do know is that it’s a great summer dessert because it’s cold, creamy, and fruity.

You’ll start by draining 2, 20 oz cans of crushed pineapple. Make sure to save the juice as we’ll be using it in the cake batter.

Crushed Pineapple Draining for use in Hawaiian Wedding Cake

Prepare a yellow cake mix as directed on the box, substituting the water with the drained pineapple juice.

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