Forfar Bridies (Scottish Hand Pies)

Forfar Birdies (Scottish Hand Pies)

Forfar Birdies (Scottish Hand Pies)
The filling is quite simple, but you can always add on to it if you desire. You’ll want to make sure the edges of the pies are well-crimped so the pies don’t leak in the oven. Oh, and don’t use completely flat cookie sheets like I did. Instead use a baking pan with a bit of an edge so that if there are any leaks they don’t spill onto the bottom of your oven and make a bunch of smoke.

Forfar Birdies (Scottish Hand Pies)

These Forfar bridie hand pies are excellent when dipped into a bit of mustard, ketchup, or even a bit of BBQ sauce. Or you can have them plain with a helping of mashed potatoes on the side. You really can’t beat the homemade flavor of these hearty little pies.

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