Easy 2-Ingredient Cherry Chocolate Cake


As the name implies, you only need 2 ingredients. You can use either regular or gluten-free cake mix. Here’s what you’ll need:

1 box of chocolate cake mix (regular 2-layer size)
2 cans of cherry pie filling (20-21 ounce cans)

Cherry pie filling and chocolate cake mix

Note: For a more cake-like texture, add an egg or two. That obviously means this recipe has 3 ingredients.

As someone pointed out with my 2-ingredient apple cake recipe, the mix has more ingredients built in. That’s a mere technicality that I’ve chosen not to worry about.

In my mind, the cake mix is an ingredient, even though it has the flour, baking powder, and other ingredients that you don’t have to purchase separately. Most packaged or jarred foods (including ketchup) have a whole list of ingredients.

Although this cake is good as-is, you can add other ingredients if you want. For extra chocolaty flavor, toss in a few chocolate chips.

You can also swap out one of the cans of cherry pie filling for apple or pineapple pie filling. It will taste different, but it will still be delicious. My preference is the chocolate cherry combination, but all variations that I’ve tried have been good.

I like this cake just as much without the frosting and extra cherries. In fact, it’s absolutely delicious with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream on top.

First, preheat the oven and grease the pan or casserole dish. You can use whatever oil or grease you prefer. As always, I use nonstick cooking spray because that’s the easiest way to coat the pan. However, butter is just as good.

Next, dump the cake mix and cherry pie filling into a large mixing bowl. If you choose to add eggs, do it now.

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