Depression-Era Chocolate Cake a.k.a. “Crazy Cake”

It might seem crazy, hence the name, “Crazy Cake,” but this chocolate cake is just as good, if not better than one stuffed to the brim with butter, milk and eggs. The fact that the cake itself is vegan should have everyone with an intolerance for eggs or dairy products jumping for joy and, though we put butter in our frosting, you could just as easily use non-dairy butter to keep the whole recipe dairy-free.

Really though, we can’t impress upon you enough how good this cake is. The coffee brings out all the chocolate-y goodness, and the apple cider vinegar, along with the baking soda, keeps things light and perfectly puffed up. This is everything you want a chocolate cake to be: sinfully rich and full of flavor. What are you waiting for? Make this crazy cake tonight!

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