Crockpot Ham, Green Beans and Potatoes Recipes

5. Cooking: Cover the crockpot and cook on low for 6-8 hours or until the potatoes and green beans are tender.
6. Serve: Once everything is cooked, give it a gentle stir to combine the flavors. Adjust the seasoning if necessary. Sprinkle with fresh chopped parsley for a burst of color and freshness.

7. Enjoy Serve your Crockpot Ham, Green Beans, and Potatoes in bowls, and savor the comforting flavors of this easy and wholesome meal.

This slow-cooked dish is perfect for busy days, as it allows you to come home to a delicious and hearty meal. The ham infuses the potatoes and green beans with its savory goodness, creating a well-balanced and satisfying dish.

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