Cinnamon Allergy or Toxicity in Cats


If toxicity has occurred, prognosis will depend on the amount of damage that has occurred to your pet’s organ systems. Treatment usually consists of supportive care until the toxin passes out of your cat’s system and treatment to relieve any symptoms being experienced by your pet. If organ damage has occurred, the prognosis is guarded and your vet will provide any therapeutic care that is available and appropriate to restore organ function. Vitamin K is used as an antidote for coumarin poisoning in pets exposed to high doses of this substance which is also found in cinnamon. Vitamin K therapy may be useful if symptoms of coumarin poisoning (hemorrhaging from blood thinning) are occurring.

If you pet is in respiratory distress due to inhalation or ingestion of cinnamon, airway management and oxygen therapy will be used as appropriate.

Recovery of Cinnamon Allergy or Toxicity in Cats
Your pet’s recovery depends on the extent of exposure and any organ damage that has occurred. Allergic reactions usually clear up in a short period of time and removal of any cinnamon exposure from your cat’s environment should resolve the problem. Home treatment of cats with essential oils should be avoided; consult your veterinarian before attempting any treatments for your pet’s health conditions. Recovery from toxicity will require rest and any medications and diet prescribed by your veterinarian to recover organ function and relieve symptoms.

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