Chocolate truffles: How to make white chocolate coconut truffles

We can’t help but sharing tasty treats with you every now and then. Not only are our treats delicious but they are also kid friendly and are perfect for encouraging little hands to get into the kitchen. Don’t worry, we don’t only have the cheeky treats, we have a lot of recipes for healthy family meals, too! But why not indulge today in some white chocolate coconut truffles that you can make with your kids for special occasions, or that weekend treat. The recipe is so much simpler than you think and is a fun way to get the kids interested in getting into the kitchen. Let’s take a look!

Let’s make some white chocolate truffles shall we? Here’s how to make this tasty treat!

White chocolate coconut truffles

Serving size: 11 units

Cooking time: 25 min


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