Butter Toffee Pretzels

Butter Toffee Pretzels Vertical 1

Butter Toffee Pretzels Vertical 3

You’ll start out by making a simple homemade caramel sauce with butter, brown sugar, and corn syrup. The mixture will boil for just a couple minutes and then it gets poured over the pretzels. Give them a good toss to evenly coat them, then mix in a bag of toffee bits. You’ll then transfer the mixture onto a parchment-lined baking sheet and pop them in the oven for 45 minutes, giving them a stir halfway through so they cook evenly.

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The final step is dusting the hot pretzels with some finely chopped peanuts. This adds a delicious crunch and nutty flavor that you can’t beat. Let the pretzels cool and then bag them up or keep them in a large airtight container so they’re nice and fresh. They make the perfect late night snack, holiday gift, or sweet indulgence. Give the recipe a try and let us know how you like it!

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