Boston Cream Pie Poke Cake

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There is no arguing that Boston Cream Pie is a delicious thing. Where the confusion comes in is why a layer cake is called a ‘pie.’ While we can’t totally solve that conundrum (more on that later), we have managed to make a super easy poke cake version of the Bostonian favorite. Translating it to a poke cake means that the vanilla custard permeates the crumb throughout, so every bite is moist and luscious. (And it takes a whole lot less work too.)

Normally a Boston Cream Pie involves a couple of layers, and making a custard, and a chocolate glaze – that’s to say, there’s some substantial effort involved. But we got you. This poke cake uses just a few ingredients and a couple of shortcuts for a sublimely easy cake that has all the flavor of the original.

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