Banana Cream Pie

Today’s banana cream pie recipe is super fluffy. The light-as-a-cloud filling is a blend of cream cheese, sweetened condensed milk, and vanilla pudding, then folded with fresh whipped cream.

The fluffy texture holds the pie components together, slices exceptionally well, and provides a nice contrast to the dense banana chunks and crust.

Plus it’s sweetened with rich silky-sweetened condensed milk, so you know it’s got to be good!

Graham Cracker Crust in a pie dish with a stand mixer in the background.

Banana Cream Pie Recipe
prep time: 30MINUTES MINUTEScook time: 10MINUTES MINUTEStotal time: 40MINUTES MINUTES
Banana Cream Pie Recipe: piled high with fresh ripe bananas and creamy vanilla filling, then topped with whipped cream and toasted coconut.
servings: 8 slices


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