A great trick to make your pans look like new

Put the baking soda in the base of the pan and cover it completely. Then pour some vinegar on top. Let the mixture sit for about twenty minutes. Next, take an aluminum scouring pad and scrub the entire surface in circular motions. Be meticulous, it is best to take your time to get a good result.

Once you’ve scrubbed thoroughly, simply rinse with water. You will see that the base of your pan is shiny and free of grease or dirt.

Once the base of the pan is clean, move to the surface. To clean this area we will also use a common and very economical product in all homes: salt.

Indeed, with salt you will not only get a clean pan, but you will also reinforce its non-stick properties.

Put the pan on the heat and when it is hot, add three large spoons of salt and wait three minutes. The salt will turn brown. Then remove the pan from the stove and let it cool. When it has cooled completely, wipe away any residue with a dry cloth.

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