A cup of coffee and two bay leaves, mix them and you’ll see: they’re worth their weight in gold at home

To prepare it, all you need is a cup of black coffee, like the one you drink in the morning, and add three bay leaves.

And what is this meeting of ingredients for? According to some people, as they explain in their videos on YouTube, it should serve to ward off any type of negativity and attract luck during the day. It’s a sort of special experiment to combine with a good half hour of yoga.

But that’s not all, because coffee and bay leaves have so many benefits that can be achieved with just one sip.

What are the benefits of coffee and bay leaves?

Laurel is a plant of Mediterranean origins that grows in the woods. Its peculiarity lies in being able to predict not only male but also female plants. Its flowers are yellow and have a fascinating umbrella shape.

Already loved by ancient populations, this plant has always been considered powerful in every respect. The Greeks used it to ward off bad luck, while the Romans saw it as the plant of triumph and glory.

Few people know that with its oleolite the famous Aleppo soap is obtained, suitable for those who have sensitive skin and are prone to skin allergies. Today, laurel is also included in the list of traditional Made in Italy products and is found in many traditional Sicilian dishes.

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