8 Home Methods to Perfectly Clean Burnt Iron

Before starting the major cleaning, remember to unplug your iron for maximum safety. This natural paste made from, among other things, soap flakes and rock powder, is not aggressive to the iron or to your hands.
Impregnate a small sponge or a simple cloth with clay stone (found in DIY stores) and rub the sole of your iron before wiping.

Prepare a soft cloth or non-abrasive sponge by soaking it in soapy water. Once the soleplate of the iron is slightly warm, rub the surface of the soleplate following the length of the iron.
Repeat the gesture until the black mark disappears completely. Note that Marseille soap is renowned for its effectiveness in removing stains and limescale deposits.

Cleaning the iron is possible with toothpaste. Its compounds eliminate burnt stains and leave a surface ready for use.

Spread a little toothpaste on the cold base of the appliance and rub it with a clean cloth.
Then turn on the steam for five minutes and let it sit.
When it is warm, polish with a cloth and remove any remaining toothpaste.

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