7 benefits of eating 3 eggs every day

The biggest criticism against eggs is that they contain high levels of cholesterol.
However, eggs contain high-density lipoproteins (HDL) which are actually essential for the body and brain.
HDL provides stability in every cell in your body and helps your body produce vitamin D and hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and cortisol (2,3).
Unlike low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol), which stick to the walls of blood vessels, HDL cholesterol scrubs the interior walls of vessels and prevents atherosclerosis. It also reduces LDL levels and does not contribute to heart disease or stroke in healthy people, so you can eat as much of it as you want (4.5).
Regular consumption of eggs, however, may increase the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease in diabetics (6).
So there you have it, the confusion surrounding the HDL health status of eggs and high cholesterol has been debunked (7).
To keep cholesterol levels under control, it is best to simply avoid eating excessive amounts of sugar, exercise daily, maintain a healthy weight, eat more vegetables and quit smoking.
3. Choline
Eggs are an excellent source of choline, an essential nutrient that supports brain and memory development. It is actually a precursor to the neurotransmitter called acetylcholine (8). It is so important for the brain that pregnant women are strongly suggested to take choline supplements to avoid developmental abnormalities in the womb.
Currently, approximately 90% of Westerners are deficient in choline, making them more vulnerable to muscle damage and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (9,10).
4. Keeps Your Eyes Sharp

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