1. Shine chrome. Moisten a used drying sheet and polish the bathroom faucet or toaster.

2. Keep the scissors sharp by wiping the blades with used paper between uses.

3. Pooh bye pet hair! Rub a drying sheet on the sofa, bed, etc., and it will collect all of the hair from your child’s fur.

4. Clean oven shelves. Soak them overnight in dishwashing liquid with some drying papers. The dirt and grime will be wiped off easily the next day.

5. Put it in the drawers and it will keep your clothes smelling fresh and clean for a long time.

6. Ward off mosquitoes and mosquitoes. Put a new sheet in your pocket and leave a few of it sticking out. Those who fly little monsters do not like the smell.

7. The dryer sheet used is the absolute best deciduous piece of cloth. Shelves, floors, and lamps you name it.

8. Soiled pots and pans do not match the drying paper. Soak the pan in water, dishwashing soap, and drying paper for about an hour.

The one that burned on the goo that was stuck before will pay off.

9. One of the great uses for drying papers is a smelly shoe solution. Cut a new sheet in half and place one in half on each shoe.

10. Clean paint brushes. Soak in warm water with a drying paper for a few hours.

11. Keep soap foam away from shower doors. One use of drying sheets that most people don’t know is how to use them to clean shower doors. Just wet a new sheet and rub it in. They are amazing.


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