10 common mistakes we make when doing laundry (and how to avoid them)

It may happen that you stain your laundry with products that are difficult to remove. A clear example is grease stains. This type of stain must be pre-treated before washing the laundry in the washing machine.

Among the most difficult stains to remove are sweat stains, which form on white laundry and become practically permanent. To remove these stains, pre-treat them with baking soda and vinegar.

3. Overload the washing machine

It happens more often than you might imagine. On the one hand, it is believed that the more you fill the washing machine, the more water and electricity you save. Washing machines are classified according to the maximum weight they support for each wash cycle. Read the instructions and stick to them.

4. Put the wrong amount of detergent

You may have found some detergent residue in your clothes after doing the laundry: a sign that you have used too much. Don’t exaggerate with the quantities of detergent: using too much can even have the opposite effect.

5. Overdo it with bleach

Bleach is a useful product, but toxic and capable of ruining our laundry forever. Bleach should only be used with white laundry, and a very small amount is enough to achieve the desired results.

If possible, soak your laundry in a bucket filled with water and a small amount of bleach before running a wash cycle.

6. Mix your underwear with the rest of your laundry

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